Monday, October 19, 2009


Nokia "Kharido ya pachhtaao" promotion started by NOKIA on a wide scale at NOKIA priority stores.

The first pic was taken at MULUND and the second one at MATUNGA. I have seen such type of publicity for the first time in MUMBAI where a person carries an illuminated backpac type banner.

In Matunga there were like 10 people moving one behind the other making some noises to catch the attention.

It was truly an innovative way to catch attention.

But there was one flaw which i felt, the PACHHTAAO part font size was too large as compared to KHARIDO....there focus should have been on kharido rather than pacchtaao.

The two things that came to my mind after visualising it was NOKIA and PACCHTAAO,

That was surely not what the message was!!!


This was an old LEXUS probably which was kept outside mobile store, Matunga for a day. It was truly an eye catcher. Though i was late for the lecture at welinglars i decided to wait and take a PIC of this beautiful car.
Initially I thought of this as a scratch prize for the person who purchases a mobile from the store.
But later on confirmation with Kaustubh the publicity manager of the MOBILE STORE, i came to know that they own this car and they place it at various mobile store locations for publicity.
They also use it for carrying their goods!
Mobiles at this store are usually costlier than the market at alpha, andheri or any other store.
Still it was a good promotion shot.